Note: DO NOT contact us about increasing our search engine rankings. We'll just leave that up to fate. If you do we will never see your email anyway. On that note for legitimate contactors please do not put words like SEO or ranking in your message, it will cause the message to be deleted automatically and we will never see it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Also Note: We realize it doesn't make much sense that we are asking for your email address below if you are contacting us because your email is not working. The thing is, you shouldn't be contacting us if your email is not working. We don't fix it for you, we just help you figure it out. If you do ask us to fix it for you then you may end up on our bloopers page which you will probably never know anyway since you didn't even read this.
If you are contacting us for something other than the above than this contact form is for you! Hopefully you are just writing us to tell us how awesome we are like these other people did.